Chicago love

Hello all! I had the best time in Chicago this last week. I ate such wonderful food, drank amazing beverages, heard and played some music, walked miles around the city and soaked in the warm weather. Best part by far was seeing some old friends and making new ones who I hope to see again soon. 

Some highlights:

  • My first "official" Chicago Dog from Hot Doug's
  • Seeing Eleanor Friedberger play at the Empty Bottle
  • The AWESOME guys at CME who let me rent a mic stand for FREE and talk their ears off about a Guild Starfire V (my dream guitar)
  • Watching a couple of 2-year-olds have their first kiss at my show. Adorable!

Thanks to the guys at Z&H in Hyde Park for putting together such a lovely and intimate show for me to play at. Lucky the weather held-up nice and I was able to play the entire hour under the night sky.  

Hope you all had a great week. Back to the grind for me here in Portland. Happy to be home and ready for all the great stuff coming up next!