Broadcast Tonight

Don’t forget…I’ll be playing as part of Broadcast tonight (6/16), 9pm, at NextDoor in Chinatown HNL. Falcon Lord (I absolutely love that name) and Black Sapote will be following my set.

This is sort of a side note, but I’ve been having horrible allergies this week and decided to take a Benadryl last night since I’ve been so sleep deprived with the middle-of-the-night sneezing fits. Bad call on my part! It completely knocked me out and so I didn’t have a chance to practice. It was complete narcolepsy! Have no fear! I got up at the crack of yawn to make sure I got some time in. So now I’m psyched and ready! Just hope to see you all there cause it’s always nice to have friends and fans in the audience.

Also, don’t forget to sign up for the 2nd Annual Mele Songwriters Workshop on June 25-27. I’ll be on the panel Saturday, June 26, discussing independent songwriting with singer/songwriter Katie Herzig and will be playing a songwriters in the round as a part of the Mele that same evening at the Hawaii State Art Museum. Details to follow. It’s gonna be a blast!
