Got this text message from my friend Ryan Miyashiro yesterday, “Gonna play you on the radio in a minute.” He DJ’s a show "Timbre Tantrums" on KTUH in Honolulu. I was feeling so homesick and missing my musician friends back in Honolulu so this couldn’t have come at a better time. He played a track that Honolulu musician MIke Pooley (a.k.a. Pink Mist) and I recorded during a rehearsal for my last Kaleidoscope show. We did a cover of the Wilco song “You and I.” I’m still hoping Pooley and I can be like the Postal Service and try to collaborate via internet over the Pacific Ocean because he’s got such great ideas and talent.
That being said, since I just got my internet working recently I didn’t get a chance to share Pooley’s project a couple weeks ago. He recorded and posted a song a day on his Bandcamp page. All fantastic…dreamy….shoegazey (is that even a word?)…and pop…goodness. I’m a huge fan and you should be too. Download the songs for free. Share it. Include it in a mix. Play it loud. And enjoy.
P.S. I’ll try to find that rehearsal recording and post it for you all. Be sure to listen to Ryan’s show (12-3pm) on 90.3 FM in Honolulu every Tuesday.