Happy Birthday Blog!

Just got notification that this blog is officially a year old today! Trying to think back to last year at this same time. I must’ve been doing the exact same thing I am now…sunburnt typing away furiously about my music. So much has happened since! I’d say it’s been a pretty great year.

So I made it back safely to Honolulu from recording in Portland a few weeks ago. It’s been nothing but go-go-go since. If you click on my “Shows” tab you’ll notice I’ve got a few gigs lined up this coming month. I hope you can all make it by at least one performance. I’ll be playing new material that I recorded for the new album.

And so what about the album??? Well, it’s getting mixed this week. Hopefully I will be able to release it in the next few months. I’ll keep you all updated!

Until then…hope you all are having a lovely Memorial Day weekend.


