Honolulu Weekly-"Roadtrip to Austin"

I find it only fitting that this article was written by Mike Pooley (of the band Painted Highways and Pink Mist) seeing as how thanks to a Twitter conversation with him, I got the heads up to apply to SXSW. Check out this week’s Honolulu Weekly with short snippets of info from each Hawaii act going to SXSW and what they hope to accomplish in Austin.

Shameless plug for Hawaii acts at SXSW:

We are all a melting pot of musicians, singers, songwriters, performers and all around good people. I’m so happy to be a part of such an amazing group of people. I hope you all come support us at our official showcase at Submerged on March 19 (starts @ 8pm).

Shameless plug for Painted Highways and Pink Mist:

They play tonight as a part of "The Rising Melody" @ Level 4 in Waikiki and there is still time to buy tickets. ($15 @ the door).

Pink Mist taught me that everyone should own a Holy Grail guitar pedal for all things reverb (guitar and vocal).

Their music is off the charts good and I can’t wait till their album is done.
